
4 engravings Orientalists 19th E.Gaujean A.Robaudi

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Saling price :
290,00 €

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Very nice oriental carvings depicting scenes and historical A.Robaudi signed (1850-1928) and Gaujean (1850-1900), period late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

These prints are in good condition. It is under glass. They are signed and Gaujean A.Robaudi (or monogram). A report: task moisture in the top of a liner, the prints are sharp and slightly yellowed see photos.

Alcide Théophile Robaudi (1850-1928): student Bonardel Malard, Gérôme. He debuted at the Salon in 1874, honorable mention in 1884. (Bénézit)

Gaujean Eugene (1850-1900): he had for masters Pils and Martinet. He appeared at the Paris Salon in 1877, and took an interesting place among modern writers by its ongoing collaboration in the Gazette des Beaux-Arts. In 1889, a gold medal at the Universal Exposotion dedicated this reputation (cf Bénézit)

Good artists on ArtPrice sides.

frame 23 cm x 28.5 cm
engraving 12.4 cm x 17.7 cm