
Gravure Portrait Duc de Bordeaux Henri d'Artois Comte Chambord Bourbon 19e

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185,00 €

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Very nice engraving of a portrait of Henri d'Artois said * Duke of Bordeaux, known as the Comte de Chambord, XIXth century.

This print is in fair condition. It has no glass. A report: jaunissures tasks and on paper, small holes and accidents on the engraving, accidents and wear on the frame, good looking photos.

* Henri Charles Ferdinand Marie Dieudonné d'Artois, Duke of Bordeaux, better known under the name of Count de Chambord, born in Paris, at the Palais des Tuileries on September 29, 1820, and died in Frohsdorf (Austria) on 24 August 1883 was a pretender to the crown of France. He was the last descendant of the French elder branch of the Bourbons. The name of Henri d'Artois, who is the one on his birth certificate, was not his name used. Under the Restoration, he bore the title of Duke of Bordeaux, that Louis XVIII gave tribute to the first town rallied to the Bourbons in 1814. In 1830 he took the title "Count of Chambord", the name of the castle that had been offered by a national subscription. He was regarded by his followers as the king "Henry V".

frame 37.4 cm x 46.5 cm
print 31.5 cm x 41.2 cm