
Cup-sided de-Palaeolithic Flint Stone Fist Prehistoric Britain

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185,00 €

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Very nice and rare shot or two-sided *-fist prehistoric stone from Britain.

This biface was found in a house near Larmor-Plage (Morbihan South)

This biface is in good condition, it is in its own juice. A report: some chips and wear on the stone, although looking photos.

* A biface is a characteristic stone tool cut earlier periods of prehistory. In Europe, it made its appearance in the Lower Palaeolithic. It is especially characteristic of the Acheulian but is still present in the Middle Paleolithic, during the Mousterian. The oldest handaxes were discovered in East Africa, including the site of Olduvai in Tanzania (1.6 million years) and 4 Kokiselei on the shores of Lake Turkana in Kenya (1.76 million years). The word "biface" was proposed in 1920 by A. Vayson of Pradenne to replace the term "coup-de-poing", previously introduced by G. Mortillet. The biface is achieved by gradual shaping of a block (or a large brightness) of raw materials, detaching chips on both sides. It generally has a certain symmetry bilateral symmetry and possibly a bifacial that could be interpreted as the first manifestations of aesthetic concerns.

16.5 cm x 9.5 cm